Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What's Up?

SWEET. Great to hear that Anna and Samuel are moving to Michigan.  Everyone is slowly moving back.  That's whats up! 

So this week was a way good week.  I will still be staying in Eugene so thats good.  The ward here is amazing and we have been working really hard and we are finally geting people to church.  We had a way cool miracle happen this week.  Actually alot.  One was that on Thursday we went finding and the one guy we talked to opened the door, said that he was busy but that his wife just died a month ago and he wanted us to come back the next day. So we came back the next evening and had an amazing lesson that was just Spirit filled.  Elder "D" came out and testified which was way cool because he doesn't talk too much and he came out and the Spirit filled the room.  This just built my testimony that when you pray about a spot to go the Lord will put you in the area He needs you to be to help His children. 

Also this week we had the primary program which we all know is the best thing ever.  We were expecting some oof our people to come but when the opening song was starting none of our investigators had come.  We sat down and then for some reason I looked at the phone,  It had been on silent and it was one of our investigators calling. He was out side and didn't think he was allowed in,  He even brought his family.  So that was a way cool miracle. He is arabic and couldn't really understand what was hapening but it was still pretty good.  

Over all - pretty good week. I am way pumped to hear that Anna and Sam are moving to Michigan.  They need to get a house on the lake :) Happy Halloween.  We are allowed to pass out candy so I am pumped lol

Love, Elder Woestman