Monday, August 19, 2013

Assistant to the Mission President

So this week was crazy busy.  I was made the new Assistant to the Mission President so I have been helping with trainers.  On Tuesday we had a district leader training. . . . on Wednesday we had a new missionary training day.  We had 37 new missionaries show up this past week.  So that was awesome - and they are all like 18 years old, which is pretty intense - but they are fun.  We were able to focus a lot on trusting your new trainer and how they can trust them.  Then Wednesday night we had to bus all these new missionaries all over the mission.  So we slept in Medford and then drove up Thursday morning to get things situated here. haha.  

It's just been a crazy busy week.  I am coming to realize that I won't have a lot of time in my area because I will be working all over the mission.  My companion and I are going to have to be planning super well so we can get everything in that we need, like visiting all of our people.  One good thing is that because I was already here in Eugene, I know a lot of the people.  And I can start things back up where I left off with some of the people.   We have been able to make contact with some of the people I used to be teaching and set up lessons with them.  I was able to see my man Phil this week and we are going to see him again tomorrow.  He is doing good, but I am super busy so it will be tough to meet with him on a regular basis.

The cool thing about what I get to do now as an Assistant is that I get to see how President Young works.  It's been fun being with him and Sister Young.  They crack me up.  They are awesome and it's increased my testimony on how much they care about our mission and how the Lord calls inspired people to run his mission.  It's fun. 

So I am trying to make mission conferences fun, so if any of you have any ideas for good group bonding games, or activities that tie into the gospel email them to me. 
Love you all!!!!!
Elder Ben Woestman