This was a crazy week. So many cool miracles. It all started with Tuesday and how we were able to go on an exchange. I went to another elder's area. We had staked a bunch of lessons so he could teach people, and then my job was to find people for them to teach. Well the great part is that he was able to set a date with Kayla, for on my birthday !!!!!!!, and then was able to find three people who have been coming to church who want to be baptized. So it worked out great. And then we were going through our stake young single adult (YSA) list. We got a list of all the people in the stake from the ages 18 -30 - regardless if their records are in the YSA ward or their home wards. We went to go visit a kid named Jacob. We set up a lesson and when we showed up he had invited his girlfriend to come. We were able to teach the Restoration and it went really good. They both came to church and loved it. Then one of our members invited them over for dinner (with out us even knowing or asking her to do that) and they loved that. We had already had a lesson planned out for them for Sunday evening and when we showed up they were talking about how they had a great time. We were able to teach the Plan of Salvation and we focused on Christ and the peace He brings. We read 3 Nephi 11 and talked about how it would feel to see Christ and touched his hands a feet. Such a good lesson, so Spirit lead. I love miracles. She now is going to be baptized on August 17th. Being a missionary is awesome. Serving in a singles ward is awesome. Hopefully I can just stay here till the end of my mission lol. I could live with that.
Hope you all are doing great! Love you all,
Elder Ben Woestman.