We had an awesome lesson with a couple investigators named Mike and Andra. They have a baptismal date for May 11th and we set the goal for them to go to the temple 2 weeks after their baptism to do baptism for the dead. It was a way good lesson.
Yesterday we had a way good miracle happen with our investigators Chris, Dori, and Kirsten. We showed up to their house and they said come back in an hour. So we came back and brought a member with us. It was amazing to see how the Lord will help us through the members because they were able to connect so well - it blew my mind. and the lesson went really well. We are going to give Chris and Dori a chapel tour while Kirsten goes to mutual on Wednesday. we are pumped! We were supposed to do it last week but Kirsten had a track meet during mutual. so pray that all goes well with them.
Elder "M" and I are doing great. I need to send pictures I know. i just never remember my cord that plugs in the computer lol. Love you guys - hope all is well.
Love Elder Ben Woestman