Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I get to Skype home Sunday for Mother's Day!!
My companion and I have been praying for a chance to find a young couple to teach and we found two young couples :) on Wednesday.  It was really amazing because we only had about 15 minutes to tract after we had walked to the street we were going to.  At the first house someone opened the door.  We taught a short lesson and they said we could come back.  After that we did not have any more time to stay there because we had to go to an appointment.  It is just way sweet how the Lord blesses us - we only had time to talk to one person, but that was all we needed and the Lord prepared a way.

Our investigator, Dan H, is doing awesome.  We have almost his whole baptism planned out.  I get to give the baptism talk and Elder "C" is going to baptize him  - which is way sweet.  It is just wonderful to see someone that we found getting ready to be baptized.  I love it.  He is going to be an amazing member.  Our other investigator, Gary, is doing great too.  He has been smoke-free for more than a week.  He just went cold turkey which is way cool.  He has this attitude that if he wants to do something he just does it.  I love it.  Over all we have 7 new investigators that we found this week.  Which is way good because we need to get a new teaching pool going.

We had zone conference this past Thursday.  We had been focusing a lot on having the countenance of Christ. So everything we say and everything we do is to look and be like Christ.  Even when we are in our apartments and when we are just with other missionaries.  People are always watching.  I really enjoyed it.  President Young is just an amazing man.  He is a great example of how to lead by the Spirit.  It is amazing to see him work because he is guided by the Spirit and you can just see that he cares for everyone.  We also had the "OEM [Oregon Eugene Mission] Idol" with all the missionaries in the three zones.  Everyone involved came doing funny skits and songs they made. It was way funny to see all the missionaries and hear their cool songs.   We also had our cars checked and we had the cleanest-best maintained car out of all missionaries - so we got what they call the GOLD PLATES (haha) - which is just a license plate cover that was spray painted gold - but it is pretty cool.  Elder "C" and I were in charge of finding people to inspect the cars so we got a couple of our investigators to come.  That was way good because President Young was able to meet them.  After the president of the mission meets with investigators, yo know it is good. haha.

This week was awesome.  I love it here.  I am afraid that I will be transferred this week and get a new companion.  This place I am at, I am seeing miracles - and the companion I am with is awesome - but if I do leave it will just be a new adventure in another place.  Gotta love it.  Mission life is awesome.

-Elder Woestman
Mom - there is a missionary here who wants you to send him some good healthy vegan recipes that are easy to make and cheap.  So if you would not mind - would you send like 8 recipes to Elder "Y" through the mission office address.  He would be way happy.